Monday, September 17, 2007

Our trip

We're back! We just returned from a 2 week trip to the East Coast to visit family and friends. Sorry we haven't posted pictures in quite a while--we know Meredith's many fans have been tortured by the lack of updated photos. But alas, Greta's parents have dial-up internet, so posting would have been a long and arduous task. However, consider the new pictures below as recompense for your patience.

Our first stop was in Greensboro, NC for a wedding in which Josh was the best man.

The hotel had a big bed which Meredith enjoyed, but only in her waking hours, since the hotel provided a crib that looked like it had been purchased from the dent and scratch sale at the Romanian orphanage.

All ready for the wedding!

Daddy and Mommy with the bride and groom.

I love weddings!


mforman said...

Looks like Josh is wearing a white chiffon skirt in the wedding picture. Greta, maybe he'll let you have it now that he's finished with it. Or is he?

Josh & Greta Rohrer said...

Josh's shirt was a gift from the groom. Apparently, barongs are the official formal dress of Philippino men. Pretty sporty, but not as sporty as Josh in his tux. Woo wee!